Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Angel Boy

March 22nd is a bittersweet day.  It's the day my dear Georgie died, it's my darling mother-in-law's Birthday and today we add to the calendar as the day we bought the farm I have been dreaming about since I was little.  I feel that through the death of my son, the Lord has helped me associate this date with so many positive thoughts that it's hard for me to feel sad today.  I also find it hard to believe that it was just a coincidence that we acquired such a beautiful piece of heaven today, of all days.  This tender mercy that the Lord has given to us represents the culmination of my highest expectations for life, when 5 short years ago, I felt I was at my lowest point.

Elder Bednar wrote about this so beautifully saying, "The Lord’s tender mercies do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence. Faithfulness, obedience, and humility invite tender mercies into our lives, and it is often the Lord’s timing that enables us to recognize and treasure these important blessings."  As I serve more in my church and community I realize more and more that when my heart is in the right place as I serve,  my testimony grows and I am blessed with peace and understanding about my life and it's purposes, a part of which, I believe, is to raise my children on a real working farm! I truly make it a point to put service to the Lord and his children first in my life and I see the hand of the Lord guiding me through life's big decisions.  The Lord made this happen and it happened on such a significant date that I cannot deny that it is his desire for me to continue striving for my long time goal to put myself and kids to work on our farm. 

I am grateful for my son who has returned to live with his creator and who inspires me every day to live worthy of his perfection.  I know he's up in heaven with all my farmer ancestors, laughing at how I've come full circle and some might be wondering why I would choose farm life over the easy way.  lol. Thanks for supporting me, my dearest family in heaven, and my beautiful son.  I love you.  Happy Birthday.


  1. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful memory to associate with this day. Thinking of you!

  2. Beautiful post. You're right... things don't always work out in our timing or as we'd like, but there is a greater Plan. Love you!
