Sunday, March 25, 2012

Genealogy Fan Chart

This is my genealogy in a giant fan.  Notice the absence of names in the pink.  Yeah, that was the gambling sailor my grandmother ran off with and married in Vegas, divorced and then married again...and divorced again.  When my mom was a little older he left his family for good, moved to Mexico and married some Mexican woman and had another family and even went so far as to name one of his daughters after a daughter my Grandmother lost at 5 months old from a heart condition, which my grandfather was supposed to have buried, but probably gambled the money away because when we went to dig up the baby to bury next to my grandmother when she died, there was no casket or body, just dirt.

I don't know anything about him, except that he was an alcoholic and a gambler but was very charismatic.  He came to see me once or twice when I was tiny and when I was three, but then never returned.  He died January 1, 2000 somewhere in Texas.  I can't believe he never came back to see his family after all those years and died without even contacting anyone.  My mom and siblings were pretty devastated that he didn't even care about them.  It's a pretty sad story and if this doesn't deter you from marrying a gambling drunk sailor, I don't know what will.  Ladies, pick your husbands wisely.

I do have many other awesome ancestors and I can say that I'm as Mormon as they come - 8 generations and still going strong! I love my church!! Click the link at the top if you want to make your own.

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