Monday, April 23, 2012

Easter Campout

Attempt at a family photo

I should have posted this two weeks ago, however our impromptu move has put me behind in documenting our latest adventure.  Justin rarely has a weekend free so Easter weekend we decided to go camping in Moab, which was strangely also Jeep Safari Weekend.  We arrived late Saturday night, stayed in a motel that John Wayne stayed in like a hundred years ago that also had reviews like "I think I got bed bugs here" and "this place is the worst place I have ever stayed".  Luckily the Easter bunny found us and we took the kids to church high on sugar.  After church, which was lovely, actually, we were off to soak in the beautiful surroundings.  We witnessed a jeep flip over as it tried to drive up the "potato salad bowl", a famous rock climb for jeeps, talked to a bunch of dads about their struggles in raising their one child, not sure if they'll have another.  I did my best to convince them that two is better than one.  We got back to camp and we made a raging fire, roasted hot dogs for the kids and I put my filet mignon tin foil dinners on to cook.  Delicious!  After dinner the kids went on a hike while I hid Easter eggs for the most amazing hunt ever in the red boulders at the base of our camp.  The kids loved rock climbing to collect their eggs.  The kids did really well sleeping through the night, especially Violette who didn't wake up once.  Me, on the other hand, did not sleep well.  Justin woke me up around 2am scream whispering, "Amelia, what is that light!" Turns out it was just the moon, but being startlingly awakened wondering if either robbers or aliens were at our tent door prevented me from falling back to sleep and then the wind flapping the rain fly that Justin didn't think he needed to secure kept me from falling back to sleep.  Eventually I forced him to go out and put the pole in it and it stopped, but because of that, I still slept in until 9am after going to bed at 9:30pm.  Ugh.  I can never go to sleep early and wake up early successfully. 

Monday was spent searching for cool hikes to arches and playing in the sand. Justin took a nice mountain bike ride and then we drove home at 9pm, arrived home at midnight and then decided to move last minute the next morning.  We're crazy.  I just have to remember, it's fuel for the blog. 

Coolest trees ever

Strongest man in the world!


desert Easter egg hunt

Our camp site

See Justin and Henry way up there?

Dirty and oh so happy

Henry had to rock climb to get these

I call this climb "crack the egg"

Sliding down boulders

Got some sand in my eye mom!

Got a little sun and some rosy cheeks

Got those climbing skills!

Are they all crying? haha.

Couldn't get them to hold still for the photo!!

Happiest girl in the world!

Clemmie likes to copy her daddy

Check out the view!

Justin action shot


  1. I'm so glad it turned out so well! Looks like a LOT of fun! And I LOVE those egg hunt pictures... that's awesome.

  2. Fun pictures. We went camping over Easter too. We loved it. The kids loved looking for eggs in the campground.
